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The literal translation given by F. Girard's Japanese Buddhism dictionary for this term is 'withdrawal, recollection, concentration of thought'. It is, then, not letting the spirit get lost, getting lost in the chain of mental machinations and, therefore, establishing a deep intimacy with oneself.

The sesshin is a time in which we dedicate ourselves intensively to the practice of zazen and to a special concentration in each and every one of the acts of daily life, from the time we get up to the time we go to bed.

Since the time of Shakyamuni Buddha, the sesshin has been a privileged moment in the life of Zen monks and laymen. In our Western tradition, its duration can vary from one to several days during which zazen and samu (work for the community) follow one another continuously. In a sesshin, everything is organized so that the spirit can always be concentrated, attentive, and silent in all activities.

Zen is the teaching of eternity contained in an instant and in a sesshin we can update this premise instant by instant, carrying out a fundamental revolution for our lives. If we understand it that way, our life can be lighter.

Summer retreats

The tradition of summer retreats has its origin in the time of the Buddha. During the three monsoon months all the disciples gathered around Shakyamuni to practice together, away from the turmoil and cares of the world. This tradition was later perpetuated in China, in Japan and since 1967, with the arrival of Master Deshimaru, also in Europe. Every year, for several days, disciples have the opportunity to withdraw into tranquility, cut off the hectic and noisy life of the social world, and recover the ideal conditions to practice the Buddha Way together.

Rohâtsu sesshin

December 8 is the date on which the Awakening of Shakyamuni Buddha is commemorated and, following the example of his determination and dedication, in Zen temples it is customary to dedicate the week from December 1 to 8 to intensive practice. meditation, minimizing the rest of daily activities and without any external interference. At the end of this week, on December 8, a ceremony is held in memory of that Awakening and in gratitude to the Buddha.

Fuse week

The term fuse means 'gift, give', it is what is given generously without any selfish motivation. Fuse is one of the six Paramitas, the six perfections of wisdom. The entire Universe exists within the framework of the fuse: give-receive. During a fuse week, in addition to morning and evening zazen, we concentrate our generous activity and our abilities on the development of an objective for the common good.

Normally the fuse weeks are carried out in a temple and are aimed at helping the proper development of it.

During this period we maintain the same state of concentration that we have during zazen and we transfer it to all activities.

We participate annually in the Fuse Weeks organized at the Seikyuji Temple on the La Morejona farm in the province of Seville.



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