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Frequent questions

What do you do specifically when you meditate?

Each of the days that we gather to meditate we do a zazen (sitting meditation), followed by a kin-hin (walking meditation), and finally another zazen, with a small ritual ceremony consisting of the offering of incense and the chanting of sutras

If I can't make it on time, can I join zazen once it has started?

Once the practice of zazen has begun, we do not interrupt it to open the door for those who have not been able to arrive on time or to answer the phone, because this would disturb the meditation of those who are practicing zazen. Likewise, it is important to arrive at zazen at least 15 days in advance, to have time to change, take off your shoes, etc. and begin to meditate with the tranquility and serenity that are necessary.

Do I have to pay anything to meditate in your dojo?

Our dojo is open to all sincere people who are interested in Zen. The initiations to the practice of Zen that we carry out in our dojo are totally free.

Our goal is the practice of Zen, and we are not moved by any other interest, we do it "without any profit" (mushotoku).

None of the people who make up our dojo receive any economic remuneration.

After having made the initiation to the practice of Zen, and always, after being sure of wanting to be part of the dojo, all its members contribute to the extent of our possibilities to the operating expenses of the same (hourly rental of the multipurpose center in the one where our dojo is located, which we share with other associations and groups; maintenance of the website domain; materials, such as incense or candles; etc).

What relationship do you have with other Zen groups and associations?

There are many groups and associations that are linked to each of the schools or traditions of Buddhism.

Soto Zen is the main traditional school of Japanese Buddhism, along with the Rinzai and Obaku schools. In Europe Soto Zen was introduced by Master Taisen Deshimaru, who founded the International Zen Association. Our dojo is linked to this association.

There are other associations and organizations, both internationally and locally, whose objective is also the dissemination and practice of Soto Zen. Currently, consulting the network, you can find extensive information on this point.


We believe that the diversity of groups and organizations that spread and practice Zen is something positive, because it increases the possibilities for everyone to find the most appropriate space to practice Zen, which is our sole objective. For this reason, we collaborate to the extent of our possibilities with groups and associations with which we share objectives and interests.

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